My First Blog Post

 Hi from your favorite Professional Disciplinarian - Miss Jenn Davis


Miss Jenn Davis



  1. As i'm looking at that photo of you i'm feeling a combination of attraction like a moth to a flame and fear as i imagine you using that bathbrush to make me unimaginably sorry for leaving this comment and links to my panty modelling and review blog:
    No Pants Day 2024 - Recycling Old FREE for RE-USE Photos of Myself Wearing Ladies-Panties,

    to my My YouTube (misterpantybuns's channel) customer blouse and panty review videos
    and to my over 18 post
    Some of my most embarrassing pantied exposure+painful spanking experiences+fantasies.

    I am sure you are very familiar with perverts like me who visit their fantasies on you and then both wimp out and weasel out of taking the medicine they know they deserve. If you ever did get your hands on me you would certainly be justified in making me very, very VERY sorry! (_|_)


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